
US-Japan Partnership Is 'Indestructible,' Says Obama

President Obama welcomed Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to the White House for a state visit on April 28. At a news conference after their meeting, Obama said that their close relationship was not a provocation to China but that"our treaty commitment to Japan’s security is absolute."

The two also discussed economic opportunities, climate change, and expanding opportunities for the people of the US and Japan.

“This visit is a celebration of the ties of friendship and family that bind our peoples,” Obama said earlier at a welcome ceremony. “I first felt it when I was six years old when my mother took me to Japan. I felt it growing up in Hawaii, like communities across our country, home to so many proud Japanese-Americans.”

Abe said when he took office he wanted to revitalize the alliance between Japan and the United States. “I had a summit meeting with President Obama two years ago, and since then, together with Mr. President, we have been addressing issues such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership and realignment of U.S. force,” he said. Credit: YouTube/The White House