
Celebrations in Athens After Greeks Rejects Terms of Bailout Deal

Athens’ Syntagma Square filled with people on Sunday night, July 5, after voters in Greece overwhelmingly rejected a new bailout deal in a referendum. Supporters of the government-led ‘No’ campaign celebrated outside the Greek parliament waving flags, chanting ‘Oxi’ – Greek for No – and dancing. Over 60 per cent of voters rejected the terms of new loans by international creditors, including further austerity measures.

With capital controls imposed on banks since the start of the week and a complete break-down in negotiations with creditors, the future of the deeply indebted country remains uncertain. In a televised address, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on Sunday night that he will be seeking renewed talks with creditor on Monday and underlined that the vote is not a mandate to leave the single currency, as many analysts predict may now be in store for the country. Credit: Instagram/rob_charleston